Frequently asked questions (FAQ) | G+D IoT Shop


Table of Contents


I cannot login to MyAccount?

Who can order from the GD IoT Shop?

Can I place an order by telephone or fax?


Can I ship my order internationally?

What is my estimated delivery time

How much does shipping cost?

Why is my order not paid?

Can I cancel my order?

How can I place a complaint?

How do I get a copy of my invoice?

What is your refund policy and how do I request a refund?

What do I do if I want to place a large order?


Which payment methods can I use?

Customer Service

How can I contact customer service?

What is ServiceNow?

Why can I not access the ePortal?

Why do I not hear back from the Customer Service team after sending an email?

How can I accelerate my support request?


What does the status of my address mean?

Why is MyCompany not visible?

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